Award Winning family mediation | Liverpool, Wirral, Merseyside, Chester, Northwest


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We are pleased to announce that the Governments ‘Family Mediation Voucher Scheme’ has been extended once again – until when, is unclear but expected to be announced shortly.  This is welcome news given that the scheme, since its implementation has proven to help reduce the waiting times in Court and has meant more people including parents and grandparents are willing to and are able to mediate. 

Winstanley Mediation is still part of the voucher scheme and parents / grandparents who wish to mediate about their children / grandchildren, if they are not eligible for Legal Aid, can access the scheme.  There is no means test and it is based purely upon the fact that you are willing to mediate to discuss your children / grandchildren rather than initially go to Court.

Payment for the initial MIAM is not covered although we can then make the application for the voucher on your behalf.

If you want more information about Family Mediation or the Family Mediation Voucher Scheme, please contact us on 07949-568101 or email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Area's We Cover

Liverpool / Wirral / Merseyside / Chester / Northwest